With Covid-19 turning the way we live and work on its head, many of us are now spending more time at home. Whether it’s due to health concerns, working from home, or simply because there are fewer reasons to go out, most people are having a lot more time around the house.
As a consequence, you might find yourself noticing maintenance issues that have previously slipped your attention, and then wonder what to do about these.
Likewise, this could be the perfect opportunity to do a comprehensive health check on your home and attend to problems before any further deterioration occurs, which could end up costing you even more in repairs.
- Are there cracks appearing in the walls and are these getting bigger?
- Do you have floors that are starting to sink or cracking?
- Are there any issues with closing the windows or doors?
These are just some of the signs that the foundations of the house need attention. You should also look outside for things like a shifting veranda or excessive moisture in the soil, perhaps pooling after rainfall.

Once you identify the signs, the question becomes what to do about it.
Ignoring an issue with the foundation will only make things worse, leading to a much bigger repair bill later on. Underpinning might be the solution for your home.
So while you ponder those flaws in or around your home, why not take some action and find out how allenCO construction can use foundation stablising techniques to fix your foundation? With years of experience in construction and solely South Australian owned and operated, you can be confident in the highest quality structural repair for your most important asset.
Call us today for a free quote and find out exactly what allenCO construction can do for your home – 0429 999 478.